Pivoting Through Parenthood: Lessons from Mom Guilt and Jesus

 So I’m a Mom, Y’all!

Yes, you read that right—me, a mom! It still blows my mind that I carried and birthed not one, but TWO of the sweetest additions to this world. Becoming a mom wasn’t exactly in my 5-year plan, but let me tell you, these little ladies couldn’t have come at a better time. They really shook up the timeline, but in the best way possible.

Now, will I say that every day is butterflies and rainbows? Absolutely not! Some days feel more like a juggling act where all the balls are on fire. There are moments when I’m playing peek-a-boo through tears of exhaustion or giving cuddles while secretly battling anxiety. But no matter what I’m feeling, I show up. And I’m honest with my girls—I talk to them about my emotions and moods because, believe me, Mommy’s got feelings too!

Just the other day, I saw a picture posted by my oldest daughter’s daycare. She was helping her best friend put her shoes on. Cue the proud mom tears! That moment hit me because earlier that very morning, I’d been helping her with her shoes. It was like seeing my love and kindness mirrored right back at me through her little actions. My youngest, who’s turning one in November, is also starting to show her personality—it’s wild watching them grow! They’re starting to entertain each other, and honestly, seeing them play together is like watching my very own Netflix series: The Chronicles of the Tucker Girls. My deepest hope is that I can nurture their relationship so that they’ll always be kind, supportive, and loving to each other.

When I look at them, I’m proud—not just of them but of me. I’m proud of the mother I’ve become, and I’m excited about the journey ahead. People can tell me I’m a good mom all day, but the real proof for me is in my kids. They are the evidence that I’m doing something right.

Now, let me tell you what I’ve been noticing: my two-year-old is extremely expressive. She’s got feelings for days, and honestly? I struggle to say no to her. She’s just so perfect in my eyes! But I also know that parenting isn’t about being your child’s bestie (although, fingers crossed, I hope my girls will want to be friends with me when they’re older). I want them to like me, not just because I’m their mom, but because I’m cool, right?

One of the reasons I find it hard to say no is because her home life isn’t what I imagined. I wanted her to grow up in a two-parent home where love and respect overflowed between her parents. But, well, life had other plans, and we’ve had to adjust. So how do I balance discipline with this mom guilt? I PIVOT! (Shoutout to Friends fans—if you don’t get the reference, click here for the clip.)

Here’s a real-life example. We’ve been transitioning her from falling asleep in my bed to falling asleep in her big girl bed. The first few nights were…rough. Kicking, screaming, and tears—you name it. Watching her have such BIG emotions over what seemed like such a small task made me frustrated. I’d cave, and before you knew it, she was back in my bed or getting rocked to sleep. Yeah, I know, I’m probably spoiling her, but that pesky mom guilt is hard to shake! We’ve been at this for about a week now. Oh, you thought I had a solution? LOL, nope! Still figuring this one out, but if you’ve got any tips, I’m all ears. For now, we’re making progress—crying has gone from 90 minutes to 30, so I’ll call that a win. I’ll keep you posted!

Now, you KNOW I have to bring up the OG in my life—Jesus! How does all this tie into Him? Let me break it down. There’s a Bible verse I love:

“Jesus called over a child, stood the child in the middle of the room, and said, ‘I’m telling you, unless you return to square one and start over like children, you’re not even going to get a look at the kingdom, let alone get in. Whoever becomes simple and elemental, like this child, will rank high in God’s kingdom.’”
(Matthew 18:1-2)

This verse hits differently now that I’m a mom. Kids are free—free to feel, free to express, free to just be. And I remind myself daily to give them grace and to give myself grace too. We’re both learning. I might be older, but in some areas of life, I’m still a child myself, navigating uncharted waters. When I get frustrated by “simple” tasks turning into epic battles, I think about my relationship with God. He asks me to do things that are, in theory, simple—love my enemies, fast, pray, no sex before marriage (Don't look at me I am a virgin, LOL)—but I fall short. Yet, He’s patient with me, standing by like the true Gentleman He is.

So, next time your kids are pushing every single one of your buttons, think of it as a reminder to check in on your own relationship with Christ. Where are you struggling to obey, and how can you PIVOT for His purpose? Just like we want the best for our kids—good sleep schedules, emotional regulation, and healthy independence—God wants that for us too. So let’s buckle down, pivot for His plan, and watch how He blesses us.


  1. Love it!!! This was such a good read

  2. Thank you so much. 🫶🏽❣️


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