Love, Lessons, and The Book of Genesis

Was It Real? 

That’s the million-dollar question I keep asking myself these days. How can someone switch up on you so fast? Or was I just out here, dodging red flags like I was in line at Six Flags? (Because you know, thrill rides, right?) But seriously, the resentment, bitterness, and jealousy that started bubbling up inside me? Not cute. It was an emotional cocktail I didn’t order, and it was definitely messing up the vibe for any kind of real, honest, and vulnerable conversations. 

Now, let’s get one thing straight: I changed after having kids. Yep, changed in all the ways—physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually, you name it. But at the core? My values, morals, ethics, and manners stayed rock solid. I’m still me! So when I had to call it quits on something I thought was picture-perfect, it hit different. It’s been a process—bittersweet, to say the least. 

Speaking of processing, I’ve been in the Word lately, and let me tell you, the story of Adam and Eve? It smacked me right in the face with a truth bomb. I was re-reading their whole saga, and suddenly I saw how the enemy’s got three major plays: wrecking communication, messing with understanding, and tearing down identity. Sound familiar? Yeah, because without those three, you’re basically on a one-way trip to Disaster Town. Population: us.

Here’s the setup. God gave Adam everything he needed:  

- Provision = The Garden (fancy, right?)  

- Instruction = “Go ahead, name all the animals—land, sea, whatever, they’re yours!”  

- Boundaries = “But uh, don't touch that Tree of Life and Death, okay? Serious business.”

Adam’s checking off boxes like a star student, but then boom! God realizes Adam needs a plus-one, so cue the deep sleep and Eve steps on the scene. Fast forward, Eve’s chilling in the Garden, and along comes the snake with all the charm of a reality TV villain. He convinces her to question the very instructions God gave Adam. Next thing you know, Eve’s eating the fruit, handing it over to Adam, and—surprise!—they’re both in hot water. 

When God shows up, He’s like, “Adam, what’s going on?” And instead of owning up, Adam throws Eve under the bus! (As if God didn’t know what was up.) He basically says, “Uh, the woman You gave me, yeah, she handed me the fruit, so I ate it.” (Genesis 3:12) Sigh. Classic. 

Now, here’s how this all ties back to my life and what I’m learning about relationships. Ready for some truth? 

- The Garden: It’s the space you create with God, yourself, and your partner.  

- Keep out the toxic opinions, negative thoughts, and shady conversations. Basically, put up the “No Drama” sign at the door.  

- No accountability, no vulnerability, no honesty? That’s a lack of God’s presence, plain and simple.  

- Entering into a covenant with someone who doesn’t know God personally or isn’t showing the fruits of the Spirit? Recipe for disaster, my friends.  

Here’s the kicker: If your relationships are feeling rocky, maybe the first place to check is within. How’s your relationship with God looking? Because in my 31 years of life (yes, I know, so wise), I’ve learned that the way I connect with God reflects directly on the relationships I have around me. When I trust God with my boundaries, my standards, and my heart, it shows. When I don’t… well, things get a little messy.

As always, I pray my words bring you some direction and clarity. I hope they’re a balm for your mind, body, and soul. And most importantly, I pray that my transparency bulldozes through the door of shame and gives us all a space to find common ground. 

Stay blessed, stay grounded, and remember: It was real, but that doesn’t mean it was right.


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