My Mini New Year: A Year of Intentional Living

 I’ve embraced the idea of selecting a word, a Bible verse, and a motivational quote to guide me until my next birthday. Alongside this, I’ll be creating a vision board filled with the goals I intend to conquer by then. It’s my personal way of staying grounded and intentional about where I’m headed.

From June until now, my focus has been “slow and steady wins the race.” This year has been both bitter and sweet. I brought new life into the world, kept another life thriving, and in the process, I lost and found myself. I released people, places, and things into God's hands, trusting He would handle them in ways I couldn't. I am deeply grateful for every experience, but now it’s time to learn from them and move forward.

As I step into this next season, I want my chosen word, Bible verse, and quote to reflect strength, courage, hope, compassion, grace, and patience. I’ve realized that I can be incredibly hard on myself, and in doing so, I unknowingly project that pressure onto others. This year, my focus is on giving grace—to myself and those around me. I want to nurture and maintain relationships and friendships that foster safe and healthy environments.

In essence, I want to heal. From June until now, I’ve been replaying the painful moments of the past seven years—the hurtful words, the difficult situations, and the struggles. I’ve spent so much time trying to understand why these things happened and what I could have done differently. But I refuse to live life as a victim any longer. I am a living testament to God’s unwavering love, grace, and mercy.

So here’s to turning 30 + 1! I pray that God creates in me a new and clean heart, so that when He answers my prayers, the blessings will have a pure space to grow and multiply.

Word: Acceptance

Bible Verse: “The Lord is my rock, my fortress, and my savior; my God is my rock, in whom I find protection. He is my shield, the power that saves me, and my place of safety.” Psalms 18:2 (NLT)

Quote: “I forgive myself and others. I will create a safe space for my emotions to be honored and healed. I deserve peace, and I will be gentle with myself on this journey.

I am an amazing mother, daughter, and friend, and future wife. I am strong and capable of uplifting those around me. I celebrate the woman I am and the growth still to come.

By this time next year, I will stand taller emotionally, physically, mentally, and spiritually. Every step is proof of my resilience and commitment to becoming the best version of myself.”

What’s your word, Bible verse, and quote for the year? Speak what you want to see!


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