What's Love Got To Do With It?

    For the month of February I will be focusing on what love is to me. I will be using one of the most overused bible scriptures of all time 1 Corinthians 13: 4-8. Sidebar it’s so funny to me that people can literally take the WORD of God and reword it, slap it on a T-shirt, hoodie or graphic picture for social media and the people will eat it up. But on the flip side the same people profiting off of rewording the Bible will have people dissing the bible and its principles. Why pay someone to motivate you with the same messages and principles you can get from the Bible for free. But that’s another topic for another day, Mmkay! 

Back to the scheduled program: 

    February is the month of Lovvveee! I know I know cheesy right? But trust me I’m going to put my own twist to it. I am dedicating this month to being intentional about love. I am evaluating all of my relationships and making sure I am being loved properly. As of lately I feel like I have been pouring out and not receiving exactly what I want from my relationships. I am completely aware of the fact that we only get 24 hours in a day but all I ask from my relationships is that I am not the same thing that you fail everyday.  

'If I love people, I will be patient. I will be kind. I will not be jealous of other people. I will not be proud and say that I am great. If I love people, I will be polite. I will not just want to please myself. I will not quickly become angry. If someone does a wrong thing against me, I will not keep it in my thoughts. If I love people, I will not be happy when bad things happen. Instead, I will be happy when things happen that are right and true. If I love people, I will always accept their problems. I will always believe them. I will always hope for what is best. I will always be patient in troubles. Love will always continue. The gift to speak messages from God will not always be necessary. The gift to speak in different languages will stop one day. The gift to know special things will not always be necessary. '

- 1 Corinthians 13:4-8

    This passage highlights what love is, does and how if you do not have love you have nothing. This is one of my favorite verses to read to myself whenever I feel overwhelmed or frustrated in my relationships. It helps me to evaluate and measure my relationship with myself and others. I naturally have a giving spirit about myself. This is confirmed through all who come in contact with me. Over the past year I have realized that if you do not protect your giving nature you run the risk of surrounding yourself around takers. Now I am aware that relationships are not transactional but they should be reciprocal. 

Transactional relationships look like this: 

Person A -  50% 

Person B -  50% 

Reciprocal relationships a look like this: 

Day 1: 

Person A - 60%

Person B - 40% 

Day 2: 

Person A - 40% 

Person B - 60% 

This is important to define what time of relationships fit you. If you are not honest with the people around you they will continue to treat you how you allow them. 

    I always assumed being a good woman equaled self sacrifice. (Read my blog post “Get Somebody Else To Do It!”). I often make sure everyone is okay, which truly makes me happy, however when I get to empty it's not too often I get replenished in the same manner as I pour. I am realizing it is because I save face for A LOT of people in my life. They will ask me questions and I answer in a way to protect THEIR feelings while they will literally bulldoze over mine. This month it stops. Join me as I ask specific questions and evaluate my circle. If your anything like me you are worried about people unfriending you, hating you, or leaving you, “SO WHAT”! Doing this will help you find YOUR people and will eliminate people who are around to soak up your energy with no intention of replenishing or replacing.

Relationships we are evaluating this month:

  • SELF 
  • JOBS 


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