More Than Just a Mom!
Falling Back in Love with Me I am finally becoming comfortable in my own skin again. And let me tell you—it’s been a journey. After sharing my body with not one, but two whole humans, it was tough looking in the mirror and seeing myself the way I should. My self-esteem took a nosedive, and even though my family and friends spoke life into me, it still wasn’t enough. If you looked up "overworked, overstimulated, and exhausted" in the dictionary, I’m convinced you’d find a picture of me—hair undone, maternity bra on, and bleach-stained T-shirt in full glory. Who knew motherhood would be this taxing? And when I looked toward my future, I felt this quiet sense of despair. Why? Because once you're a mom, you're always a mom! There’s no “clocking out,” no PTO, no “I quit” button. Sure, I could walk away from my kids (some mamas have), but my moral compass would be completely out of whack. And truthfully, I love my girls. They are the most precious parts of me. But t...